A szombathelyi Mesebolt Bábszínház előadása

Location: Puppet-show Vojtina
Date: 22 March 2014, Saturday, 10 hours

  www.jegymester.hu Ticket prices: 1200 Ft


MADARAK_PLAKAT_webWe used to be birds once,
We used to live in God’s palms
We flew from one branch to another,
Anything we needed we found whatever.

Like the curly white cloud,
Our days are passing by.
And like a dream Also Death,
That is how it Came on that land.

Where is that wonderful land? Where Gergőce and Máriskó are freeing an angel, saddening a witch, making the devil to follow the plough, giving wings to a donkey colt. Where childhood flowers, youth shines, adulthood ripens, and the winter of old ages arrives. Where we were born, we have been brought up, where we always long to return. And of course on the stage of Mesebolt Puppet Theatre, where small and grown-up children can watch it, anybody who likes fairy-tales.

In May 2013, on the occasion of the Eleventh Meeting of Hungary’s Puppet Theatres, our theatre was given a special award by the Association of Hungarian Puppet Artists - for our innovative aspirations and high-level performances- which we deserved with our production titled We used to be birds and with the morality play titled Anyone, recommended to the adult audience



55 minutes without interval

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Fotó: Trifusz Ádám

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Erika Császár
Emőke Dénes
Bálint Kovács
Zsuzsanna Kovács
Csongor Kőmíves
Zsuzsa Lehőcz
Dániel Takács

Szilárd Boráros

Zsigmond Lázár

Khaled-Abdo Szaida

Géza Kovács

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2014/03/22 Saturday


Puppet-show Vojtina, Debrecen

Galuska László Pál: Madarak voltunk