Somogyi-Tóth Dániel music director
Ács János zenei vezető
Gyülvészi Péter karvezető
Gergely Dargó répétiteur
Nánási Andrea kottatáros
Andrássy György member of the chorus
Antóni Norbert member of the chorus
Ármós Tamara member of the chorus
Balog Emőke member of the chorus
Bácskay-Szarvas Zsófia member of the chorus
Sándor Böjte member of the chorus
Cseh-Fehér Éva Amália member of the chorus
Donkó Annamária member of the chorus
Donkó Imre member of the chorus
Gáspárné Herczegfalvi Zsanett member of the chorus
Grega Csaba member of the chorus
Janovicz Zsófia member of the chorus
Juhász-Törő Ildikó member of the chorus
Katona Enikő member of the chorus
Kiss Györgyné Törő Krisztina member of the chorus
Tisza-Kis Eleonóra member of the chorus
Kovács Levente member of the chorus
Kuczmog Klaudia member of the chorus
Tünde Lévai member of the chorus
Magdolna Marjai member of the chorus
Molnár Anna member of the chorus
Nagy Kíra magánénekes
Orosz Miklós member of the chorus
Pálné Simon Erika member of the chorus
Papp Renáta member of the chorus
Petrusovics Attila member of the chorus
Piskóti András member of the chorus
Rendes Ágnes member of the chorus
Repka Sára member of the chorus
Tisza Lajos Máté member of the chorus
Tóth Szilvia member of the chorus
Udvarhelyi Péter member of the chorus