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A budapesti Stúdió K Színház előadása.
Location: "Horváth Árpád" Studio
Date: March 23, 2014, on Sunday, 14. 00 hours Ticket prices: 1500 Ft
A budapesti Stúdió K Színház előadása.
Location: "Horváth Árpád" Studio
Date: March 23, 2014, on Sunday, 14. 00 hours Ticket prices: 1500 Ft
Where should Boldizsár, the restless go? Will he find the moon, where he's long-lost (long seen) mother lives? At least as his grandfather -who sits all day and night on the roof- claims it. But road leading there is full of strange cities. First the perilous straw bale, then an open-mouthed wells, living in the middle of a dangerous swamp many wisp’s, toll booth taking over river, behind the big city! The moon is certainly nestled in the tower of the city, like a big bright bird, starts his road from there up to the high sky, and from above who knows- maybe back to the dawn.. but until then many dangers lurking on
Boldizsár and his faithful and wise donkey, Zebulond!
Theatre Critics' Award 2012: The best performance of children's and youth category
80 minutes with an interval
Az előadást 6 éves kortól ajánljuk.
Fotó: Schiller Kata
live-music tale with puppets
Inspired by Mark Chagall’s paintings
Boldizsár, the restless
Dániel Lovas
Zebulond, the donkey
Gabor Nagypál
Moon, the faraway
Katalin Homonnai
Grandad on the roof
Lajos Spilák
Katalin Homonnai
Lajos Spilák
One-eared rabbit
Júlia Nyakó
Miklós András Sütő
Frog in the Well
Katalin Homonnai
Júlia Nyakó and Katalin Homonnai
Farmer on the wain
Lajos Spilák
Policeman in the city
Miklós András Sütő
Vagabond street light
Katalin Homonnai
Puppets and scenery
Ilona Németh
Lajos Spilák
Gergely Fodor
Ágnes Réka Tóth, Noémi Lipták, Áron Swierkiewicz
Tamás Fodor
Date / Time | LOCATION | GENRE |
2014/03/23 Sunday14:00 |