A szabadkai Kosztolányi Dezső Színház előadása.

Location: “Víg Kamara” Theatre
Date: March 23, 2014, Sunday, 22 hours

  www.jegymester.hu Ticket prices: 1300 Ft, 1800 Ft


one_girl_show_plThe solo-performance of Márta Béres lets us see the puzzle pieces of the life of a wonderful actress from Vojvodina. Real and surreal, cool and fresh pieces in one puzzle-picture. A lovable, exciting trip over the field of extremes and realities. Márta Béres was born in Novi Sad, where she graduated from the Academy of Arts. She joined Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre and Urbán András Company in 2006. She has received the Award for Best Young Actress at several festivals, and has been nominated for Pataki Ring over three seasons – and this year for the fourth time, for Béres Márta One-Girl Show.

90 minutes without interval

Video gallery

Photo Gallery

Fotó: Molnár Edvárd


”There is nothing more exciting than someone’s story. Anyone's. We are all said to be writing our own novel. Why take an extraordinary life as an example, when every individual life is an unbelievable story that is worth listening to? …The high stage may give you the impression that it’s a separate world. But what if you look behind the spotlight? It’s not that bad, not that scary at all.”
(Márta Béres, Magyar Szó)

”An empty stage, no props. Tension, the air is filled with vibration. One-Girl Show, without props? Brave. She has to be a diva, a 100% diva, otherwise there is no show. She has to be provocative and has to tear our souls apart, or else there’s no catharsis. …We love you. You’ve become our most secret object of desire. A 100% woman. We have a crush on you. You’ve created theatre. On your own…”
(László Büki Harlequin, Vaskarika.hu)

Nomination for the Pataki Ring (highest prize for the best actor/actress in one theatrical season. The prize is given by the jury of Hungarian speaking theatres in Vojvodina.)

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Márta Béres


Music selection
András Urbán

Costume Designer
Márta Béres, Andrea Ledenyák

Tibor Gazsó


András Urbán


Co-production partner: “MASZK” Association (Szeged)
Sponsor: Szabadka Város

Az előadás létrejöttét a Nemzeti Kulturális Alap támogatta.

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2014/03/23 Sunday


“Víg Kamara” Theatre, Debrecen

Urbán András: Béres Márta One-Girl Show