slide_deszka_2015 v2Location: Puppet-show Vojtina
Date: 2015. március 22., 11. 30 óra

The apropos of the SKATEBOARD section’s professional roundtable discussion is given by the book series entitled „dramatic tales – contemporary Hungarian children’s plays” launched by the Vaskakas Puppet Theatre from Győr which appeared in the Hungarian book palette as a completion and it had justly evoked the appreciation of the children’s theatre proffession. The aim of this series which is planned to have seven volumes is the distribution and the preservation of the children’s plays staged in puppet theatres. The professional invitees will analyze the situation of Hungarian puppet play writing, its perspectives in connection with this book series, paying particular attention to the staging of contemporary texts.    
A beszélgetés résztvevői: Gimesi Dóra, Fige Attila, Kolozsi Angéla, Nagy Viktória, Tengely Gábor, valamint a DráMai Mesék szerkesztője, Markó Róbert.
The discussion will be moderated by: Tímea Papp, editor of the book series.

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2015/03/22 Sunday


Puppet-show Vojtina, Debrecen

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