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A Szegedi Nemzeti Színház előadása.
Location: Main Stage
Date: 2014. March 26, Wednesday, 20 hours Ticket prices: 700 Ft, 1300 Ft, 1900 Ft, 2500 Ft
A Szegedi Nemzeti Színház előadása.
Location: Main Stage
Date: 2014. March 26, Wednesday, 20 hours Ticket prices: 700 Ft, 1300 Ft, 1900 Ft, 2500 Ft
Rieger Pálné aka Pipás Pista born Fődi Viktória lived out in the boonies around Szeged. She was hanged for murder on 13 January 1933. Her last wish was to be executed with her own rope. Everyone around her thought she was a man. Her sex was revealed only in prison. Pipás Pista was sold to serve as maid at the age of twelve by her parents. The farmer raped her and since she was with child, he married her off to Rieger Pál who died a year later in World War 1. The child was given up to orphanage. Pipás Pista inherited a farm-house from her grandparents. She moved in and started her life as a man.
There are records of the fact that he could drink more and fight better than anyone else in the pub. He also worked for two. He shared the farmhouse with a dog, a goat and a deaf-mute boy who helped her arond the house. It was Pampuskáné Bumbus Máli who first contacted her in order to have her husband killed since she could no longer bear his beatings. Pipás got 150.000 forints for poisoning him. She murdered six further men who maltreated their wives. All seven cases were different. Some were killed for money, others for mercy. Some were familiar with the fact that if Pipás Pista comes to see him at night, his life is over. Women of the neighborhood found the best way to get rid of their husbands. Pipás Pista was so smart that no evidence was ever found. Not until the last case…
Az előadás magyar nyelven, angol felirattal látható.
140 minutes with an interval
Fotó: SZNSZ/Veréb Simon
Pipás Pista
Szabó Gabi
Pityu, a süketnéma fiú (20 éves)
Lazók Mátyás
Pampuska Mihály (idősebb, vagyonos ember)
Ádám Tamás
Pampuska Mihályné, Máli (fiatal asszonyka)
Csorba Kata
Sulák Mihály (idősebb tanyasi ember)
Jakab Tamás
Sulák Mihályné, Máli (fiatalos asszonyka)
Borsos Beáta
Szokál Mihály (középkorú tanyasi ember)
Kedvek Richárd
Szokál Mihályné, Máli (meggyötört asszonyka)
Danis Lídia
Börcsök Mihály (nagytekintélyű, de fiatalabb ember)
Kárász Zénó
Börcsök Mihályné, Máli (fiatalos, fura asszonyka)
Kéner Gabriella
Somos (fiatal csendőrnyomozó)
Barnák László
Epres (fiatal csendőrnyomozó)
Szívós László
Surding (idős tanyaorvos)
Flórián Antal
Vecsernyés Mihály (fiatal napszámos)
Poroszlay Kristóf
Fábri Géza
Molnár Zsuzsa
Mészáros Ágnes
Stage Manager
Báhner Péter
Director’s assistant
Kaj Ádám
Török Katalin
Zenei szerkesztő
Fábri Géza
Kovács Frigyes
Date / Time | LOCATION | GENRE |
2014/03/26 Wednesday20:00 |