A Karaván Színház előadása.

Location: “Víg Kamara” Theatre
Date: 25 March 2014, Tuesday, 17 hours

  www.jegymester.hu Ticket prices: 1300 Ft, 1800 Ft


show_plakatThe reversals of fortune of an 18-year old Roma young adult in Budapest

The story is framed by an interactive reality show, the participant is a 18-year old Roma adolescent. His life is at stake, if he falls, he falls hard. If he overtakes the vicissitudes of life, he may become happy and successful. When he faces difficult decisions, the audience can help with green and red cards showing him the right choice. The play revolves around equal opportunity, still with plenty of humor in a grotesque and blunt style.

The Show Continues, being inspired by the idea of ‘Gypsy Labyrinth’ by Kardos-Nyári, is partially based on the Roma and non-Roma actors’ own experiences, and carries a powerful message. Audience is welcomed to join post-play discussions following the performance.

100 minutes without interval

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Photo Gallery

Fotó: simarafoto

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Gyula Horváth
Kristóf Horváth
Juci Dobos/Eszter Márton
Klára Varga/Brigitta Varga
Yvette Feuer, Egyed Serf,
Gábor Jászberényi
Panni Rácz/Fruzsina Görgényi
Tamás Szegedi
Géza Takács


István Kalóz

Visual effects:
László Papp, Zoltán Nagy

László Simara, Pál Nyári

Sounds effect
János „Jammal” Fekete

Karavan Familia


Directed by
Oszkár Nyári

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2014/03/25 Tuesday


“Víg Kamara” Theatre, Debrecen

Nyári Oszkár: A show folytatódik