On the narow streets of Dobronka, a sleepy little town, old posters wisps are flying around... "Oh, those were the beautiful days, when the world-famous circus arrived here..." thought Aladár Vogeltanz, the watchmaker of Dobronka. “All of a sudden the streets were filled with life and excitement: the scent of orange blossoms got mixed in the air with trumpet voice, the eyes of young ladies sparkled, the menfolk’s nice coiled moustache was growing, and the whole world like some celestian carousel was revolving around the tent illuminating in the night... I wish I could rewind that times...”
In our performance we are honouring the genre created and cultivated by the olden migrant performers – the grace and beauty of the marionette circus that is what we recall in our acting: by lion roaring, by aerialist’s somersaults, by paper roses, by tamed rocking horse, live music and all the miracles of the world!