National Theatre of Marosvásárhely − Miklós Tompa Company

Location: “Víg Kamara” Theatre
Date: 2015. március 19., 18 óra Ticket prices: 1500 Ft

The auditorium has a capacity of: 90 fő.


CASTING_AZ ORDOG_HU_EN_KDevil’s rehearsal The play Devil's rehearsal is an invented story directed by the Romanian theater director Radu Afrim. Also the performing texts are created by the cast members. The story is about a successful businessman from the province Miklós Levente Ördög (Miklós Levente Devil) which wants to organize a memorable gala to his son's, Little Riche's birthday.The anniversary gala is preceded by recruitment of interpreters (casting), and a number of repetitions that occur at the local community center of the town. Participants are some strange figures that present an unusual repertoire at the casting. Their performance certainly has a stake: the production most beloved by Little Richie will be rewarded and win the grand prize of five thousand euros.

Photo Gallery

Photo: Rab Zoltán

Video gallery

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Az előadás 14 éven aluliaknak nem ajánlott!

Galló Szidónia; Kati
Berekméri Katalin

Bözse tanárnő
B. Fülöp Erzsébet

Gyorspostás; Barna Atya; Szovátai Vörös Pincér; Braun Bush Jr.
Bokor Barna

Magyar Hang
Kiss Bora

Galló Levi; Gálapatkány
Galló Ernő

Székely Leány; Lady Baba
Gecse Ramóna

Xaba, Fő Mozgásművész
László Csaba

Pornósztár; Nosferatu
Ciugulitu Csaba

Ördögné Tisztaházy Orsolya
Moldován Orsolya

Sharon; Tisztaházy Theodóra
Nagy Dorottya

Ördög Miklós Levente, Góré, Férj és Apa
Ördög Miklós Levente

Faun; Csibi Feri
Ruszuly Ervin

Halhatatlan Napsugár Trió
Lőrincz Ágnes, Somody Hajnal, Szabadi Nóra

Ördög Richárd, Ricsi
Gergely Botond

Nagy Laci
Nagy László


Set Designer
Bartha József

Costume Designer
Cristina Milea

Gavriliu Andrea

Vlaicu Golcea

Stage Manager
László Szakács

Sugó Erzsébet


Radu Afrim


Az előadás időtartama: 130 perc szünet nélkül

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2015/03/19 Thursday


“Víg Kamara” Theatre, Debrecen

Az ördög próbája