Információk a Csokonai Fórum megközelíthetőségéről autósoknak,...
Misima Jukio (triple Nobel-prize nominee) was an internationally acclaimed writer when at the age of 45, after making a speech for the garrisons, he commited suicide at a military base. Who would believe that 30 years earlier he started his career as a writer with themes from the New Testament? His early plays will be now completed with biographic parts as well. József Jámbor, who is acquainted with the Japanese culture and literature, will bring to us this faraway, but still nearby world.
In memoriam Szilárd Borbély
New York Times
In memoriam Borbély Szilárd
MISIMA JUKIO (1925-1970) japán író életéről és színházművészetéről
A nézőpont elmozdítása – beszélgetés Jámbor Józseffel
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